
Showing posts from October, 2018

Pharmacist's Untold Story 1 - Quick tips to relieve sand fly bites, ITCH NO MORE!

Quick tips to relieve  sand fly bites,  ITCH NO MORE! Why do we feel itchy after bitten by sand flies? ALLERGIC reaction to the SALIVA !! 4 Tips to prevent and instantly relieve the intense itch: Take Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 100mg for 2 weeks before exposure to areas infested with sand flies so watch those sand flies fly away from you! (Because you smell like "shit" to them) Place hot spoon on the spot to destroy the protein of their saliva and to overwhelm the sensory nerve ending. Apply Calcium Carbonate = Lime Stone = Kapur Sirih to the affected area to neutralize the saliva of sand flies. Visit your pharmacist for EXPENSIVE medications if you want to. 😎😎😎

Experience Sharing 2 - My Daughter Has Bloodshed On The Bed Every Night

Q: Is corticosteroid creams really bad for the skin? A: No, corticosteroid cream is a wonderful medication to reduce the inflammation and itchiness of the skin provided they are used accordingly. The skin of the body is built with different thickness hence different corticosteroid creams are designed to treat different areas of the skin. This is due to their penetration properties. Furthermore, corticosteroid creams are chosen based on the condition of the disease due to their different potency. Age is also a factor that we have to take into account when choosing the right corticosteroid cream treatment. They shouldn't be used without a break. The suggested method is 2 days break after 7 days continuous application to the same area. It is important to protect the skin with a layer of cream before applying corticosteroid cream. On the other hand, if the incorrect corticosteroid cream is chosen or used improperly, it might cause side effects like skin thinning, thicker hair of the ...

Experience Sharing 1 - As An End Stage Psoriatic Patient, I Experienced An Unexpected Miracle In My Life

Archaeologists have found evidence of psoriasis on Egyptian mummies. Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicines” was the first known person who used scientific methods like tars to treat psoriasis. Before him, psoriasis was treated using the mixture of dog and cat dung, semen, sea salt and urine. Hippocrates’ method of treatment is still being used as part of the mainstream therapy of this disease today. (Credit to The Myth of Psoriasis: Psoriasis is contagious? It actually is not linked to the hygiene or cleanliness of the person. You can't get it if you get in contact (i.e share food, hug etc) with a person with psoriasis. Psoriasis is just a skin condition? It is actually an auto-immune disease. Due to the malfunctioning of the immune system, the production of the skin is quicker than normal. The skin does not have enough time to shed leading to scale-like appearance on the psoriatic victim. Psoriasis is not treatable? It...

经历分享 1 - 当末期银鳞病患遇到人生奇迹时...

银鳞病的传说: 从埃及 出土的木乃伊身上,考古学家已发现银鳞病的踪迹。医药之父  Hippocrates 在公元前 460-377 已使用科学性的煤焦油来医治银鳞病。他们甚至使用狗粪和猫粪、精液与海盐和尿混合一起来医此病。 (归功于 银鳞病是会传染的?不,他不会传染但是会遗传。 它和卫生 没有关系。你是不会因接触到有银鳞病者而得到同样的病。 银鳞病只是一个皮肤病?它其实是一个自身免疫疾病。由于免疫系统出现缺陷而导致皮肤生产过快。 导 致细胞还来不及脱落就重叠新细胞产生似鱼鳞现象。 银鳞病是无法被医治的 ?虽然它目前是西方医学断为无法根治的病但是 可以透过 正确的管理方式,把它很好的控制 。最终患者可以和正常人一般正常的生活,没有症状。 理想的治疗目标是: 停止 皮肤细胞 过度活跃的生长。 缓和 皮肤痒度和发炎。 去除多余的死皮。 银鳞病都是一样的?其实有许多不同类型的银鳞病。例如脓疱型,红皮病型,折叠区域型,滴状型和斑块状型。 银鳞病的症状只影响皮肤而已? 皮肤会干、 痒与痛。它会裂开 及流血,可能会被感染。银鳞病也有可能引起精神病如忧郁症和焦虑症,最终影响患者的生活和社会 关系。它也有可能会牵连到关节和指甲。大约三分之一的银鳞病患者会得到银鳞病型关节炎。 银鳞病和其他疾病没关系?事实上 患者拥有更高几率得到第 二型糖尿病,肥胖及心脏疾病。 儿童不会得到银鳞病?它会被遗传,如果其中一个父母或亲戚有银鳞病,那他的孩子有可能会有银鳞病基因。 但不代表它会被 启动 。小孩中 最常见的银鳞病型是滴状型,或称雨滴银鳞病。它的症状是皮肤上有如水滴般的红点 。链球菌可能会唤醒沉睡的银鳞病基因,而导致病发。链球菌最常带来喉咙或皮肤发炎。 银鳞病可预防?即使基因存在是不可改变的事实,但其中有些因素是人为的。 别轻视孩子的喉咙炎和皮肤感染。 当有发炎时,请马上咨询医药人员。避免遗憾。